DIRECTIONS: Come up with your own explanation to describe the phenomena in the image. Use the following steps as a guide.
What in the World?
OBSERVE: Examine the image. What do you notice? What do these observations tell you about what may be happening in the photo? Now take a closer look. Identify additional details.
PREDICT: What do you already know that could help explain what you see in the image? Think about your prior knowledge and the observations you made in Step 1. Based on this information, make a prediction about what could be happening in the photo.
DISCUSS: Compare your prediction with those of your classmates. How are your ideas similar to or different from those of other students? Which do you think best explains the phenomena shown? Why?
EXPLAIN AND RESEARCH: Use information from your discussions in Step 3 to write an initial explanation. Then think about what you still need to know so you can fully explain the phenomena. Research to gather additional information from other sources to revise your explanation.